Today (February 6, 2024) is Safer Internet Day! The internet is an amazing tool with vast resources, tools and abilities, but, as Spiderman says, With great power there must also come great responsibility.

Students (and parents) need to be taught how to stay safe online. Safer Internet Day is a yearly event around the world. Lots of resources are available to teach kids to be safe online (such as here and here). As a teacher, I need to teach my students how to be online comfortably and safely. This is no easy task!

Our guest speaker, Jesse Miller, gave lots of tips to ensure kids safety online. Here are my key takeaways.

  1. Consent: Before posting anything online involving others, ensure you have their permission.
  2. Photos: Provide a photo corner for parents to take photos of their child and remind them that they can’t take pictures of other children without the explicit consent of the child and the child’s guardian or parent.
  3. Assume everything you post online is public: It is almost impossible to delete things posted on the internet. As Educators, we have a duty to act professionally online and our online presence can be scrutinized, as we are public servants in a role involving a vulnerable population.
  4. Students need to be taught about online citizenship: Students need to understand the digital footprint we create and the importance of talking to a trusted adult if they come across anything that is concerning or unsafe.
  5. Teachers have a duty of care beyond the classroom: teachers have a duty to report any students they find in spaces (online or in public) that are age restricted or could be a danger to them. For example, if a teacher sees an underage student in a dating app or at a bar, they should report this to their administration.
  6. Maintain boundaries: Teachers and students are inevitably in a power imbalance, even after graduation and this needs to be acknowledged. A good rule of thumb is to not “friend” past students online.

What are your top tips for ensuring the safety of everyone while online?

Here is a UK short video about Safer Internet Day